


THE WORLD WE KNOW IS A METAPHOR.  Our experience of birth, childhood, adulthood and death are based on a transformation that takes place on the energetic level of being. Our families: mothers, fathers, sister, brothers and grandparents are parallels for another reality that underlies our own. Enlightenment is being able to see our lives and our world as the unfolding of metaphysical truth.



By metaphysical truth I mean the very nature of God Himself, Original Wholeness, Everything as the One, Grandfather of us all, GOD. To be capable of change He became the energy of the Universe. To bring forth life, He became She, because only woman brings forth life (at least in this Universe). She is literally all the energy in and of the Universe. She maintains wholeness. She also contains the potential for division. She is the stem cell that can become anything, The Void, The Being of all beingness. I will call Her Akasha as She is the source of the Akashic records; also, I really like the name.


It’s helpful to conceptualize energy in terms of particles, with each stage having a different structure or configuration. Although God is wholeness, instead of that meaning He is one thing in one place, think in terms of particles of wholeness:


Each on contains His Nature and Knowing.


By dividing His Wholeness:


He took on the nature of the Universe. He became Akasha. Of course, Eternity doesn’t change. Wholeness still maintains the Eternal consciousness. Regardless of how many ways you slice It, It knows Itself in every fragment.
For Akasha on the other hand, it was always about the two of them, Unity and the Universe, Him and Her alone. She could only see Herself in relationship to Him…and if all there is, is two of anything—no matter how similar-they can’t help but be opposites.

He is Wholeness in Unity./ She was wholeness in division.
He is Eternal./ She had a beginning and someday Her energy will return to its original state.
He is Infinite. /She’s just really big.
He is Unchanging./ She just won’t quit!

He is All Powerful. Akasha is very powerful but, as we know, the Universe does have laws and restrictions. (Often referred to as universal laws, they are adherence to the underlying process that I am describing.)
He is All Knowing. That brings us to an interesting point. Even back then Akasha did know everything in the sense that all knowledge was contained in Her, but, like instinct, knowing without being able to know ‘why?’. To work with that knowledge, be able to build on it or draw conclusions from it requires a separate awareness. (I go into that more later.)



THE WORLD WE KNOW IS A METAPHOR.  Our experience of birth, childhood, adulthood and death are based on a transformation that takes place on the energetic level of being. Our families: mothers, fathers, sister, brothers and grandparents are parallels for another reality that underlies our own. Enlightenment is being able to see our lives and our world as the unfolding of metaphysical truth.



By metaphysical truth I mean the very nature of God Himself, Original Wholeness, Everything as the One, Grandfather of us all, GOD. To be capable of change He became the energy of the Universe. To bring forth life, He became She, because only woman brings forth life (at least in this Universe). She is literally all the energy in and of the Universe. She maintains wholeness. She also contains the potential for division. She is the stem cell that can become anything, The Void, The Being of all beingness. I will call Her Akasha as She is the source of the Akashic records; also, I really like the name.


It’s helpful to conceptualize energy in terms of particles, with each stage having a different structure or configuration. Although God is wholeness, instead of that meaning He is one thing in one place, think in terms of particles of wholeness:


Each on contains His Nature and Knowing.


By dividing His Wholeness:


He took on the nature of the Universe. He became Akasha. Of course, Eternity doesn’t change. Wholeness still maintains the Eternal consciousness. Regardless of how many ways you slice It, It knows Itself in every fragment.
For Akasha on the other hand, it was always about the two of them, Unity and the Universe, Him and Her alone. She could only see Herself in relationship to Him…and if all there is, is two of anything—no matter how similar-they can’t help but be opposites.

He is Wholeness in Unity./ She was wholeness in division.
He is Eternal./ She had a beginning and someday Her energy will return to its original state.
He is Infinite. /She’s just really big.
He is Unchanging./ She just won’t quit!

He is All Powerful. Akasha is very powerful but, as we know, the Universe does have laws and restrictions. (Often referred to as universal laws, they are adherence to the underlying process that I am describing.)
He is All Knowing. That brings us to an interesting point. Even back then Akasha did know everything in the sense that all knowledge was contained in Her, but, like instinct, knowing without being able to know ‘why?’. To work with that knowledge, be able to build on it or draw conclusions from it requires a separate awareness. (I go into that more later.)