

At that point the energetic composition of the seed can be depicted:


His light surrounded by Her density. It is interesting to note that His structure brings the two opposite halves back together into one energetic being, although for sure not in the original state of wholeness. That would be God. That small seed of light, of movement, is the seed of life, the mysterious impulse for beingness to evolve. He was also the child of Mother Earth, Her son Her baby, made of his Father’s nature, buried in Her beingness.
Tonanzin nurtured the new life inside Her, gently feeding Him of Her own substance and fiercely protecting His life-force by creating forms that could survive Her own cataclysmic nature of that time.

She named Him Tetl. But like Father, like Son, He was movement and She, inertia. He longed for freedom from constant physical restrictions. Unlike His Father, such a tiny concentration of movement was trapped on all sides, unable to escape Her huge mass. But His nature could not be repressed. His force began to affect the surrounding beingness. He became the power of transformation, shedding form after form seeking the freedom of his Father, the sky.


He is the earth’s molten core that spews Himself forth in volcanic eruptions. He is lightening, hurling Himself into the sky when air masses collide. He is the Power of Fire that burns away all beingness, to become the rising smoke that leaves your ash behind.
This is an allegory for the individual mind trying to free ourselves from the consciousness of the body with its instincts and drives. And not only an allegory. Our minds encased in our physical bodies are the level of evolution that the seed of light has reached to date. Tetl hasn’t exactly escaped His Mama yet. But that’s getting way ahead of our story.


It wasn’t until His Son had evolved from primordial goo into reptilian form that Tonal returned for the second time. Although an incredibly successful species, awareness had hit a wall in the reptile.

Tetl was completely dependent on Tonanzin and Grandfather Sun to maintain his body’s temperature, enslaved by circadian rhythms He had no choice but to obey. The arrival of Father Sky was the evolution that took awareness from reptilian to mammalian, offering a whole new twist. With the development of the neural cortex, the body’s functioning remained behind in the realm of knowing.
That’s what I call the part of us the knows how to maintain our body temperature, as well as make sure our liver’s functioning, digests the food we eat, pumps blood to the heart and so on.


Well you don’t know how you do any of that, do you? No, we do not.
We moved into the realm of “consciousness” where anything you know, you learned somewhere. In the thought realm you are born knowing nothing. We should call it the realm of not knowing, instead we call it "consciousness".
Obviously, Mother Earth is the physical realm. What might be less obvious is that Father Sky, movement, is the thought realm. Ironically, we don’t think much about the thought realm. It doesn’t seem as real as your physical reality, but if you think about it, you spend just as much time there as here, at least if you think you do.
Anyway, the sky represents the thought realm, the realm of nonbeing. The sky is basically made of thin air moving around a lot. Especially back in the day when the Earth was still forming, the atmosphere was very thin and active. That makes structure and building difficult, even if you’re only trying to build ideas.
Originally awareness had no way of making much use of the input offered by the senses. There was no means of organizing it, of giving is cohesion and coherence.
During the reign of the reptile, there was simply no such capacity. Their level of awareness doesn’t even connect what it can see with what it smells of hears.


But that was before Atl. You remember the net that got swept up into Father Sky during the big bang? Well, that was Atl. She was in much the same situation as Her Brother, Tetl to begin with. She was like morning mist as it disappears into the big blue expanse, but over time She grew and began exerting influence over Her Father.

Water might not seem very structural, but air is not going to support bricks and mortar. In fact, water is the perfect element to come halfway between earth and sky, between solid and gas. From clouds to rain and from ocean to ice, She slips from one form to the next, integrating with each member of Her family in seamless harmony.

The metaphors I’m mixing might seem confusing, but they are in fact Akasha’s way of trying to show us Truth. We are the highest level of individual awareness at this point in time. Everything in our world explains the nature of Her unfolding transformation.

Am I talking about metaphysical or energetic behavior? an inner process of evolution? Or the weather?

In the weather we can see an outer manifestation of our inner process which is the unfolding of metaphysical (energetic) Truth. And the weather is just one example. Believe me, my metaphor mixing’s just beginning.

So more about our girl Atl, Lady of the Waters; She is the combination of Her Fathers movement and her Mother’s beingness in harmony and balance. She can organize the constant stream of awareness into categories and frameworks (networks) that make information useable, retainable and continuous.


She can scoop up all the concepts and ideas we’re working with and sweep them into Her domain of dreams where She does most of Her organizing. She weaves patterns and structures that allow us to function with the flow of consciousness. She is the blood that circulates through our bodies, integrating air and physicality with every breath. She is our emotions equally conscious and unconscious, seamlessly sewing together the rift of our daily division. She is the soul that continues when the awareness transforms and the body dies. Her energetic configuration is:


She is the two opposites in equal portions, two halves creating one being. Because She is feminine, She is more like Akasha’s wholeness than Grandfather’s, but Akasha is wholeness in division, Atl is division in harmony. Still the components are the same making them energetic parallels.


At that point the energetic composition of the seed can be depicted:


His light surrounded by Her density. It is interesting to note that His structure brings the two opposite halves back together into one energetic being, although for sure not in the original state of wholeness. That would be God. That small seed of light, of movement, is the seed of life, the mysterious impulse for beingness to evolve. He was also the child of Mother Earth, Her son Her baby, made of his Father’s nature, buried in Her beingness.
Tonanzin nurtured the new life inside Her, gently feeding Him of Her own substance and fiercely protecting His life-force by creating forms that could survive Her own cataclysmic nature of that time.

She named Him Tetl. But like Father, like Son, He was movement and She, inertia. He longed for freedom from constant physical restrictions. Unlike His Father, such a tiny concentration of movement was trapped on all sides, unable to escape Her huge mass. But His nature could not be repressed. His force began to affect the surrounding beingness. He became the power of transformation, shedding form after form seeking the freedom of his Father, the sky.


He is the earth’s molten core that spews Himself forth in volcanic eruptions. He is lightening, hurling Himself into the sky when air masses collide. He is the Power of Fire that burns away all beingness, to become the rising smoke that leaves your ash behind.
This is an allegory for the individual mind trying to free ourselves from the consciousness of the body with its instincts and drives. And not only an allegory. Our minds encased in our physical bodies are the level of evolution that the seed of light has reached to date. Tetl hasn’t exactly escaped His Mama yet. But that’s getting way ahead of our story.


It wasn’t until His Son had evolved from primordial goo into reptilian form that Tonal returned for the second time. Although an incredibly successful species, awareness had hit a wall in the reptile.

Tetl was completely dependent on Tonanzin and Grandfather Sun to maintain his body’s temperature, enslaved by circadian rhythms He had no choice but to obey. The arrival of Father Sky was the evolution that took awareness from reptilian to mammalian, offering a whole new twist. With the development of the neural cortex, the body’s functioning remained behind in the realm of knowing.
That’s what I call the part of us the knows how to maintain our body temperature, as well as make sure our liver’s functioning, digests the food we eat, pumps blood to the heart and so on.


Well you don’t know how you do any of that, do you? No, we do not.
We moved into the realm of “consciousness” where anything you know, you learned somewhere. In the thought realm you are born knowing nothing. We should call it the realm of not knowing, instead we call it "consciousness".
Obviously, Mother Earth is the physical realm. What might be less obvious is that Father Sky, movement, is the thought realm. Ironically, we don’t think much about the thought realm. It doesn’t seem as real as your physical reality, but if you think about it, you spend just as much time there as here, at least if you think you do.
Anyway, the sky represents the thought realm, the realm of nonbeing. The sky is basically made of thin air moving around a lot. Especially back in the day when the Earth was still forming, the atmosphere was very thin and active. That makes structure and building difficult, even if you’re only trying to build ideas.
Originally awareness had no way of making much use of the input offered by the senses. There was no means of organizing it, of giving is cohesion and coherence.
During the reign of the reptile, there was simply no such capacity. Their level of awareness doesn’t even connect what it can see with what it smells of hears.


But that was before Atl. You remember the net that got swept up into Father Sky during the big bang? Well, that was Atl. She was in much the same situation as Her Brother, Tetl to begin with. She was like morning mist as it disappears into the big blue expanse, but over time She grew and began exerting influence over Her Father.

Water might not seem very structural, but air is not going to support bricks and mortar. In fact, water is the perfect element to come halfway between earth and sky, between solid and gas. From clouds to rain and from ocean to ice, She slips from one form to the next, integrating with each member of Her family in seamless harmony.

The metaphors I’m mixing might seem confusing, but they are in fact Akasha’s way of trying to show us Truth. We are the highest level of individual awareness at this point in time. Everything in our world explains the nature of Her unfolding transformation.

Am I talking about metaphysical or energetic behavior? an inner process of evolution? Or the weather?

In the weather we can see an outer manifestation of our inner process which is the unfolding of metaphysical (energetic) Truth. And the weather is just one example. Believe me, my metaphor mixing’s just beginning.

So more about our girl Atl, Lady of the Waters; She is the combination of Her Fathers movement and her Mother’s beingness in harmony and balance. She can organize the constant stream of awareness into categories and frameworks (networks) that make information useable, retainable and continuous.


She can scoop up all the concepts and ideas we’re working with and sweep them into Her domain of dreams where She does most of Her organizing. She weaves patterns and structures that allow us to function with the flow of consciousness. She is the blood that circulates through our bodies, integrating air and physicality with every breath. She is our emotions equally conscious and unconscious, seamlessly sewing together the rift of our daily division. She is the soul that continues when the awareness transforms and the body dies. Her energetic configuration is:


She is the two opposites in equal portions, two halves creating one being. Because She is feminine, She is more like Akasha’s wholeness than Grandfather’s, but Akasha is wholeness in division, Atl is division in harmony. Still the components are the same making them energetic parallels.